IU & Lee Jong Suk face breakup rumors

On August 1, a post alleging the celebrity couple have broken up went viral on Nate's online community Pann. A journalist previously claimed in an article that IU and Lee Jong Suk spent their days off separately, and the poster asserted, "The journalist is saying they've broken up in a backhand way."

Netizens commented, "They look so good together," "IU could do so much better. Seriously, I don't think Lee Jong Suk is good-looking," "They haven't broken up. They're going to announce their wedding soon," "I wish they would break up. They don't look good together," "I'm an IU fan, and I'm here to tell you they're still dating," and more.

IU and Lee Jong Suk confirmed their relationship in December of 2022.

What are your thoughts on the rumors? 

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